Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Phantom of the Opera Free Essays

Symbolism behind the Phantom of the Opera Throughout the story and the original novel, the symbolic use of mirrors abound. I think much deeper it’s dealt with in the original book by Gaston Leroux, and somewhat alluded to in different terms in the movie. Nevertheless, let’s take a look at the reflection in the mirror and see what’s there. We will write a custom essay sample on Phantom of the Opera or any similar topic only for you Order Now What is a mirror? Basically, it’s just a smooth shiny surface that forms an image by reflection. When we gaze into a mirror, our reflection returns to us, and we see ourselves through our own eyes. What reflection we see in our own mind can either be reality or distortion. Psychiatry research has actually termed a body image distortion disorder for those who look in the mirror and see themselves as something they are not. The image reflected in the mirror can have a profound effect upon us. Christine is faced with the mirror in her dressing room. The mirror calls to her to explore the depths of the Phantom and the one who has forged her inner self through his music. Through the mirror he calls to her, and bids her to look at her own image in the mirror. â€Å"Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside! † What she discovers in the mirror is the reflection of the Phantom, who has become part of her, dwelling inside her mind, and now bids her into his world to know him as he truly is. She succumbs and in a trace like state follows him through the mirror to his domain. In the book, the Phantom’s torture chamber is a room of mirrors representing the true torture of his own life, which is the reflection of himself and the agony he feels. In the movie, we see all the mirrors are hidden and covered, until Christine removes his mask and uncovers his true appearance. In reaction, he pulls down the coverings over the mirror that reveal the ugliness and agony of his soul. Yet, the mirrors have deeper meanings behind them. As humans, we are visually driven and attracted toward outward beauty, which we highly value in others and in ourselves. We often fail to understand that who we are as human beings goes far beyond our outward appearance. Beauty is also an inward quality. In astonishment the Phantom hears Christine say, â€Å"This haunted face holds no horror for me now. It’s in your soul that the true distortion lies. † How often have you looked in the reflection of the mirror and found displeasure in what you saw? I dare say most of us have. It’s the mirror to our souls, our self-image, and our self-worth. It can either torture us or please us. However, your image as a human being goes far beyond the reflection of the mirror; it goes to the depth of your soul, which is eternal. Your body will waste away in the grave, but your soul and its essence will continue throughout eternity. Would it not be a better to focus on that which is eternal within us, rather than that which is temporal and wasting away? Go to a mirror and tell me what you see. Let the reflection come back into your eyes through the window of your soul. If you see some distortion within, perhaps it’s time to acknowledge it, pick up the candlestick, break the mirrors before you as the Phantom did, and leave the ugliness of your distorted soul behind and walk through to a new life. May the one who created us in His own image, open all our eyes to see the message of true beauty. How to cite Phantom of the Opera, Essay examples Phantom of the Opera Free Essays The Phantom of the Opera, directed by Joel Schumacher , is an adaptation of the Broadway musical The Phantom of the Opera, music and book by Andrew Llyod Webber. The musical The Phantom of the Opera is based on the novel by Gaston Leroux. The movie stars Gerard Butler as The Phantom, Emmy Rossum as Christine, and Patrick Wilson as Raoul, in the leading roles. We will write a custom essay sample on Phantom of the Opera or any similar topic only for you Order Now While watching the movie, you can’t help but notice all of the spectacular sets. Each of the sets matches the time period perfectly and the details that are put into the sets is beyond mazing. The Phantoms underground lair is a great example of an exquisitely detailed set. The lights and the sets work together hand in hand to create an atmosphere of mystery and sadness. The lights depict the pre electric era when stage lighting was done with gas light. It provided a warm-looking environment. An example of this lighting would also be the Phantoms lair. While he uses an abundance of candles, those candles still create shadows in which he hides his deformity. The costumes and make up in this movie are absolutely phenomenal. They portray the extravagance of the opera performers using bright and colorful make up and huge dresses, to the simple and lightly colored white dresses that Christine wears that represents her youthful purity and innocence. Christine’s lack of makeup enhances her look of youthful innocence also. The Phantom, on the other hand, with his stark white mask, his black slicked back hair, and sweeping black cape represents the mystery of the character. The direction of this movie starts with it being well cast, especially the three main roles. The lead actors are realistically portrayed, while the characters taking part in the opera performance are more presentational. The gravelly sound of Gerard Butlers voice add s to the tragedy of his character, the Phantom. In the direction of the movie, Joel Schumacher aids with the development of his actors characters. One thing that stood out for me was when the Phantom leads Christine down to his underground lair, and all she’s looking at is him. She is memorized by the Phantoms mystery and almost starts to fall in love with him. The overall theme of this movie is love goes deeper than what is shown on the outside. When Christine pulls of the Phantoms mask for the second time, she finally sees what his deformity is. The fact that she is not disgusted and appalled by what she sees shows that she really truly loves him for who he is and not what he looks like underneath the mask. The Phantom of the Opera is by far one of the best movies I have honestly ever seen. It has such a beautiful and powerful message that I think everyone can learn something from watching the movie. How to cite Phantom of the Opera, Papers

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